
電影: | |
級別: | |
導演: | undefined |
演員: | undefined |
國家/地區: | |
製作年份: | |
- 演員
: - Gabriel Macht,Patrick J. Adams,Rick Hoffman
- 電影簡介
: - "Suits" delves into the fast-paced, high-stakes world of a top Manhattan corporate law firm where hotshot associate Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, "Love and Other Drugs") makes a risky move by hiring Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams, "Old School") a brilliant but unmotivated college dropout, as his associate. As he becomes enmeshed in this unfamiliar world, Mike relies heavily on the firm's best paralegal Rachel (Megan Markle, "Horrible Bosses") and Harvey's no-nonsense assistant Donna (Sarah Rafferty, "Brothers and Sisters") to help him serve justice. With a photographic memory and the street smarts of a hustler, Mike proves to be a legal prodigy despite the absence of bonafide legal credentials.
- 導演
: - 電影
: - Suits S1
- 級別
: - IIB
- 國家/地區
: - US
- 製作年份
: - 2011