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導演: | undefined |
演員: | undefined |
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- 演員
: - Norman Chui,Ng Wai Kwok,Cheung Ying,
- 電影簡介
: - ATV swordplay drama Reincarnated is one of the studio's great classics from the RTV years. Aired in 1979, the 60-episode series garnered unprecedented ratings, sealing Norman Tsui Siu Keung's heroic swordsman image into television memory. While most swordplay dramas are adapted from novels, Reincarnated is Hong Kong's first original television period drama, and the screenplay by renowned novelist Huang Yi was actually later adapted into a novel. The drama's phenomenal action scenes were choreographed by none other than Ching Siu Tung (A Chinese Ghost Story). The production team also includes names like David Lai, Tsui Siu Ming, and Taylor Wong, all of whom would later help form the backbone of Hong Kong cinema. In addition to Norman Tsui, Reincarnated features many of RTV's biggest stars of the time like Ng Wai Kwok, Candice Yu, Nora Miu, Ma Man Yee, and Cheung Ying.
- 導演
: - 電影
: - Reincarnated
- 級別
: - I
- 國家/地區
: - Hong Kong
- 製作年份
: - 1979